Friday, May 25, 2007

The HammerHead of God

Ok, so I'm starting to freak out a little here..CNN reports here that we have now witnessed the VIRGIN BIRTH of a Hammerhead Shark. Is nothing out of the realm now. I mean, hasn't a certain biblical figure already cornered the market on this? But this was somewhat of a cloudy topic with the non Christians. Now we have proof it can happen in sharks? Sure we have all heard of Hermaphrodites as capable, but they have both parts needed.. now we have this. Well at least it hasn't happened the other way around. I mean, I've felt bloated before but pregnant? No way. How can we stop this from happening? Wait, why a shark? I mean there must be some male sharks up to the task right? Did this chick shark say, "Nah, I don't like the contact, I'll just do it myself..." ?
"The baby was killed within hours of its birth by a stingray in the same tank."

In an unrelated story, Bindi is filming her own show.

Enjoy the weekend...And, I'll take an aisle seat please...

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